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  • Hi Andrew, did you ever get this issue resolved? I am going through the exact thing with my brand new mb cla250. I followed mb exact directions on thier long term matte paint sealer. I got the streaks and it wont go away. They told me to use the mb matte quick cleaner and intensive cleaner still doesnt work. I escalated this to mb corp office. Still waiting to hear from them. I apprecaite your thoughts.
    HighAngelHell,,, not a lot of people know what that means,
    Hello friend, I am 18 years and still counting (Ft Campbell, KY) in the army, I'm also a 11C. The profile name caught my attention, I've only heard it in the 11C world. I am a auto detailing enthusiast who is looking to get into the business part time. I have been doing allot of research over the last 5 years on many different products and equipment. I plan to start with a mobile set up. I find myself trying to find a good combination of product and equipment for the job. If you can give me any advise n that area, it will be much appreciated.
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