My name is Jeffrey Brennan. My love for car detailing started at a very young age. My father had a few classic car dealerships, so in stead of going home after school I ended up going to the dealership most days. I liked to play in the high end cars in the showroom, so long story short my father had told me if i wanted to play with the cars I could do so, But I could but it had to be washing them in the detailing bay. I figured out rather quick that I enjoyed just simply washing cars. I remember I couldnt wait until school was done to go wash cars for the rest of the day. By the time I was 12 years old i had the skill to take a full detail from start to finish. Over the years the car dealerships faded away, along with my Dad. I spent some time after high school working for new car dealers, and High end Detail shops. I had always had an entrepreneur way of looking at things. This for me I thought it was a down side to things. I struggled with every job I have ever had because it is hard for me to work for some body else. I knew i had the skill and in the summer of 2015 I had started doing mobile deatiling. I started Brennan Motorsports Professional Auto Detailing. This is my journey to success.
Cars, Bodybuilding, surfing, guitars, video games