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  • I have 2 steamers as of right now...the 100 dollar one is made by McCullogh, it is a portable steamer that gives a good steam for 45 minutes on a full fill, it comes with a bunch of attachments and does a great job. My process for cleaning carpets is to spray APC+ 5:1 on the carpets then use the triangle brush attachment to steam the carpet. It pulls up almost everything and then you vacuum off the excess soap. For cleaning the interior, I just hit everything with steam then wipe off with a microfiber and interiors always end up spotless. It normally takes me about 45 minutes to complete a full interior including steaming carpets, cleaning and dressing everything and I even steam the leather with a microfiber over the steam nozzle after spraying a little leatherique on the surface. If your detailing right now is good, it will be better with a steamer. Plus you can use the steamer for engines, exterior trim, wheels, windows, and doorjams.
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