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  • Hey buddy I just saw this so sorry i didn't respond right away. I am a 11c I've been one for the past 10 years I'm a SSG in the 1-182 INF MA guard. I myself have just started out on a professional level I've been detailing since I was 14 I started at a boat yard working summers. I'm 27 now and wasn't to pleased with my career options I didn't think it would be so difficult to become a police officer being a veteran but it turns out being a white male in Massachusetts makes it difficult to acquire civil service positions. But at any rate. I started out with a bucket and wash mitt before I got into any electrical tools. The thought of using a machine on someone else's paint scared me. So here's what I did. I did simple washes and waxs on customers vehicles. I would only try new things on my own personal vehicles or vehicles of friends at no charge. I saved some money up and bought a PC DA polisher again only using it on my own vehicle until I was comfortable with it.
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