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  • Hey, Iceman - Nice work. Very impressive results. I am still pretty much a novice, but have done 15 or so large bikes and got "HOLY SH*T! My bike has never looked that good" when the owner returns. I use very diluted run of the mill car wash, gunk engine degreaser, and Nvr_Dull to finish everything else. I am still searching for a product to get brake dust off some of the more pourous wheels (like on a FatBoy).
    I am online all the time during the day. handle:kirkwtyczar (aim)
    I see you are located in northern Ohio. What city would that be? I live near Ann Arbor. Anyways on to the msg. I have done a few Mustangs and I have spoken with a few people on other forums about the paint on Mustangs. It is kind of a weird paint in that I have found that It is a bit harder to polish but it will scratch pretty easy during normal use. I understand it taking a long time if you are trying to get a perfect finish, especially with a pc. Soooo many weird and small areas to polish. I am a rotary guy most of the time but when I started using a pc I used a 6.5 pad kit from AG and they were too big. I wouldn't use anything bigger that a 5" pad. You will find it breaks the polish down much faster. The key with all Menzerna polishes is to start with pressure for the cutting stages then ease up and finish down. I hope this helps. On another note If you want to try M105 let me know I will ship you a sample. I really like it but it works TOTALLY different than SIP.
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