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  • HHere is a post from another thread that is an example of what I see, and would like to seee when done.

    I recently picked up a 2013 Charger in Jazz Blue and the dealer has done their typical work on it The swirl marks are all over in the sunlight.
    I am looking to have this corrected and a good sealer/coating applied.

    Is this something you have experience with?
    Feel you can handle?
    And could offer a quote on?
    Do you have pictures of Before an after of a job like this you could send?
    Are you licensed & insured?
    Do you use a Flex & Rupes D/A polishers, if not what kind? What kind and brands of products would you use on something like this?

    Sorry for all the questions but I want to make sure who I trust with this is also prepared and comfortable with a job like this.

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