I look forward to your write up on attempting to get such a high return within a year.
Are you going strictly for volume with lower priced details, or capture the high end market with coatings and multi step corrections?
How will you take care of oversight and customer satisfaction while relying on a large staff to do the work?
I started out wanting to be the best in my area, but quickly realized that the people doing the quick details and car washes are the ones making the most money. I may have to adjust my business approach and find the line between quality and speed. There are a lot of locations here in Northern California that do express details at 1/3 of what I'd charge. For me, I feel that has changed the mindset for the buyers in this area because they compare boutique detailing to the local gas station car wash.
Anyways, I'm very curious about your business venture and hope I can learn a few things from whatever you feel comfortable sharing online.
Are you going strictly for volume with lower priced details, or capture the high end market with coatings and multi step corrections?
How will you take care of oversight and customer satisfaction while relying on a large staff to do the work?
I started out wanting to be the best in my area, but quickly realized that the people doing the quick details and car washes are the ones making the most money. I may have to adjust my business approach and find the line between quality and speed. There are a lot of locations here in Northern California that do express details at 1/3 of what I'd charge. For me, I feel that has changed the mindset for the buyers in this area because they compare boutique detailing to the local gas station car wash.
Anyways, I'm very curious about your business venture and hope I can learn a few things from whatever you feel comfortable sharing online.